Their Goals

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, originally named Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, began its cutting edge research in 1962. Over the past 5 years, SLAC’s IT Department has worked to grow their lab, resources, and reputation to become recognized as a lab-wide services leader.

Our Approach

SLAC IT hired Written to conduct an audit of their internal communications activities and develop a website for their IT Department. After completing those initial projects, we joined a group of vendors helping directorates across SLAC to migrate 90 websites to a new platform using an installation profile. We continue to support SLAC IT with all of their communication needs.


Written also created new, custom content and supported strategic communications through focus group facilitation. Through these communication activities, Written boosted customer engagement by consolidating information from the user feedback.


Communication Audit, Drupal 9 & 10 Web Development, Content Development, Website Architecture, User Testing


ASVAB Career Explanation Program